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Women’s Empowerment

Project ‘Unnati’

Women’s empowerment is defined as promoting women’s sense of self-worth, their ability to determine their own choices, and their right to influence socio-economic change for themselves and others. Keeping this in mind, Project Unnati initiated with a focus to empower and mobilize women into Self Help Groups (SHGs) and develop their capacities and skills for entrepreneurship.

During FY’24, we worked with 531 SHGs (Self Help Groups), engaging 5741 women members. We are strengthening these SHGs through regular meetings, bank linkages, connecting them to government schemes and thereby creating entrepreneurial opportunities.

Economic Empowerment- We economically engaged 2087 women through Micro enterprises, Nano enterprises and various rounds of Capacity building trainings on SHG functioning, Financial & Entrepreneurship development and Legal Rights. Our efforts are aimed at providing these women with the skills and opportunities they need to thrive.

Microenterprise Units, Promoting Business & Entrepreneurship – we established 7 Microenterprise units including UnaTex (Textile), Dekoratti (Art & Craft), Chhattisa (Food items), UnaTea (Tea Unit), Cleanaila (Cleaning Products), UnNaree (Sanitary Pads), and a Mushroom Unit. In FY’24 over 1400 women were trained under these units. Additionally, exposure visits have been organised, providing women with valuable insights into product development, sales, and marketing strategies, thereby honing their entrepreneurial acumen.

Supporting Nano Enterprises, Small Businesses, Big Impact– 60 Nano enterprises run by SHG women, such as Tiffin services, Cosmetic sales, and Stitching businesses, were supported to promote entrepreneurship and provide additional income.

Showcasing Unnati Products, Unnati products have been showcased at various prestigious National & International platforms like Pali Mahotsav, Technex’24 at IIT BHU, State Mining Minister’s conference in Bhopal and were also marketed at Vedanta Cultural Festival in Delhi Haat highlighting the recognition garnered by its products.

Celebrating Womens Empowerment, On International Women’s Day “Unnati Utsav” is zestfully celebrated with community women, adolescent girls, and employees. The celebration witnessed Women linked with various Micro & Nano enterprises also exhibited their entrepreneurship skills by setting up food 20+ stalls. 16 zealous community members were recognized and felicitated who had contributed immensely for the development of the community in the areas of entrepreneurship, bringing social change and community leadership for benefit of all.

The project is currently being run in partnership with GPR Strategies & Solutions (GPRSS).

Animal Welfare

This year, we also initiated drives for Animal welfare in line with The Animal Care Organization (TACO). The initiatives included Reflective Collar drive for over 1500 stray cattle, enhancing their visibility for nighttime safety, minimizing accidents, and ensuring their well-being on roads and in communities, Vaccination of over 100 stray dogs on International Rabies Day towards making the community rabies free.

Other Initiatives like Water Bowl Challenge to alleviate the adverse effects of scorching heat on stray animals and birds by placing ecofriendly earthen water bowls in the communities. Apart from this, we also spread awareness on wildlife conservation, feeding drive for stray dogs in the community on International Dog Day and Free Animal Health Camps for farm animals at Nand Ghars were undertaken towards the welfare of animals for a peaceful coexistence.